So this late summer and early fall I'll be getting settled in my new home and my new career in the great state of Alaska. I have not as of yet moved my hobby stuff up here, and I need to get my 40K fix. So with my Birthday coming up I figured I would use the cash from the sale of my Raven Wing army to put towards a new Space Marine army. This Build is going to be everything I need to build, paint and model a small Space Marine Army.
Here is the list of what I am getting:
o Black Reach Box set
o Space Marine Battle force
o Razor Back
o Landspeeder Storm
o Razor Back up grade Sprue
o Grab Bag of Bits
o Army Painter army green
o Army Painter quick shade
o Army Painter anti shine mat
o Reaper Pro Painting kit, with brush
This should be everything that I need to build and paint a space Marine Army.
I figure with the Black reach box set I get a good jump start on the army, the battle force is the core units, the Razor Back and Razor Back up grade Sprue for some needed fire power. I have been wanting a Land Speeder Storm for awhile and I figure with the scouts it will give them a different dimension in the army. That and I am hoping to get some cool bits in the grab bag. My Grand Total was just under $305 so that is not too bad. In case any one was wondering I did us the War Storeto get everything the I needed
I'll be using the Badab War Mini-Dex for my base army which will be comeing out soon I hope from Bell of lost souls