Seeing as most blogs that I follow have done some kind of "year in review", or "what I plan for this year" kind of post. I felt a little left out. (that and I have not posted anything since 2010)
So instead of trying to make goals to stick to for a whole year. I am going to first look at what I have done, and what I want to get done in the next couple of months. Like most people who play 40K I have a number of different project going on at one time. In my case I have three major projects that I want to get finished or very near completion. The three project are (1) Hirst Arts Space Hulk board, (2) finish space marine "Emperors Fists" army, (3) continued "Sitman Warriors" army. Those are the big three project that I have going right now. On the back burner are painting 40K Orcs, and painting a Hero Quest board game miniatures.
Project 1 Space Hulk Hirst Arts Board
This project started out like gang busters, but has slowed to a crawl. Mainly due tot he fact that I have run out of dental plastic to cast the pieces, and that I have put away and stored the molds. This is a project I really want to get it knocked out because it will be cool once it is finished and it really is not that hard to do. When I sat down and put the pieces together to make the board pieces it was really fun and rather rewarding to see how they all look together. So the goal for this is to suck it up and order more plaster and start casting molds again! The assembly was pretty fun and once they get painted they will be awesome.
Project 2 "Emperors Fist" Space Marines
This army is so close to being finished. I mean so close I can taste it. I have just finished painting a count as "Lysander" model for the army. All the tactical marines are painted, a scout squad is painted, terminators painted as well, I just need to base a devastator squad and base and finish painting a command squad. So all of the infantry type models for this army are pretty much set. All I need to do is finish painting a Predator tank, 2 rhinos, and a Land Raider Crusader. When I type it out it doesn't really seem like too much. My goal for this project is to get it done! If in the next month or two I can have one more rhino painted, and all the infantry models painted and based that will be a huge step.
Project 3 "Sitman Warriors" Space Marines
This is just a on going project, in the immediate future I have to base the rest of my Marines for the second tactical Squad. I have started to add more models to my Kill Team, (1 more sternguard). I have also started to make a assault terminators, one with lightning claws (pretty much finished just needs a decal put on the shoulder pad, and the sealed) and another one with a thunder hammer and storm shield. This is a army that I am slowly building up piece by piece, one squad at a time. I should really sit down and make an army list for these guys. Goals for this army are, just to continue working on them over the next few months.
All and all these are not going to be too hard to make these goals that I have set out for the next couple of months. It is just a matter of doing it. Oh yeah and of course I'll continue posting as I progress on these as well.